Photo of Gregory P. Lee and Conner C. Lee

We Meet By Accident

What To Do If You Are Hit By A Distracted Driver

On Behalf of | Mar 7, 2023 | Car Accidents |

In the US, 32 people die every day in motor vehicle accidents involving drinking and driving. In fact, 11,654 people died in 2020 in these types of accidents.

The sad fact is that every one of these deaths was preventable. If you are ever in an accident with a drunk driver, follow these steps.

Contact The Police

Your first step when you are in any type of accident is to call the police. Dial 911. Give the operator the accident location, any injuries you may have, the other driver’s actions and any other pertinent information. If you suspect that one of the drivers is drunk, let the dispatcher know immediately.

Record Your Observations

If you can, start writing down details. Write down information about the vehicles, drivers and scene. If the other driver appears drunk, write it down. You can ask for license and insurance information, but your counterpart may not give it to you. Therefore, make sure you get the license plate number and state.

Record any conversation or statements and any notable actions or reactions. Do you smell alcohol or see empty bottles in the car? Write it down. Make sure your notes are as detailed as possible.

Get Medical Attention

Whether you feel an injury or not, you should seek medical help. You may not know about an injury for hours or days after the accident, so protect yourself and get checked out.

The police will also ask you to give a statement. You can base this statement on your notes and answer any direct questions they ask as long as you will not incriminate yourself. Inform the officers of your suspicions that the other driver is under the influence.

